Navigating the 
Challenging Development Landscape

We help clients navigate the challenging Development Landscape. It is absolute minefield to manage correctly, taking considerable years and experiences to master. That usually means, throwing a lot of money down the tube whilst you learn to get it right.

We know, we have perfected this artform for over 20 years.

Building a host of our own different products for over 20 years. Contract developing to over 40 firms ourselves around the world, building on many occasions our own engineering teams with sizes ranging anywhere from 3 to 17 engineers.

We spent a lot of money and had a large amount of painful learnings to get to where we are today. Unlike most firms, we had to learn most
We had to learn nearly every development lesson the hard way.

The development process can be incredibly challenging to navigate, literally in the blink of an eye. Technologies mature at such a rapid rate, that it is hard to keep on top of where things are up to.

Good engineers know they will never be able to keep up with the speed of how fast the industry is going, though they are highly skilled in understanding how to recognise patterns and can pick up new languages, libraries and frameworks at speed. These patterns tend to be common across a multitude of programming languages.

There are so many pitfalls that one can fall into, that rapidly evolve into out of control cost blowout. Such pitfalls can include some of the following:

  1. Lack of initial planning and UX – UX is essential at the beginning of a development project to understand user needs, identify challenges, and design intuitive interfaces, leading to higher user satisfaction and product adoption.

  2. Poorly written and scoped out requirements – Poorly scoped requirements in a development project can lead to ambiguity, misunderstandings, and frequent changes during development. This often results in project delays, cost overruns, and dissatisfaction among stakeholders.

  3. Cultural assimilation – how culturally assimilated is your developer to western standards. Many people attempt to procure software development off shore, thinking they are going to save money, only to be unpleasantly surprised by the output and the experience.

  4. Increased complexity – Navigating the rapidly evolving technology landscape requires developers to continually update their skills and stay informed about emerging trends. Adaptation to this changing environment is essential for maintaining relevance and ensuring success in software development.

  5. Poor communication – Shortening the distance between the development team and the customer, with fewer intermediaries, enhances communication and ensures better alignment with customer needs. However, fragmented development teams across different time zones can pose challenges, including communication delays, coordination issues, and difficulties in maintaining cohesion and collaboration.

  6. Poor Project Management – Project management in software development ensures efficient resource coordination and timely delivery of high-quality products within budget constraints. It facilitates communication, risk mitigation, and adaptation to changing requirements, enhancing overall project success and efficiency.

  7. Limited testing – Inadequate testing is a prevalent mistake in software development, leading to critical issues like bugs, performance problems, and security vulnerabilities. Proper testing is crucial for the success of an application or website, as it can determine its fate, especially when sensitive data is at stake.

  8. Legacy systems – Legacy systems can pose several challenges in new software development. These systems often use outdated technologies and architectures, making integration with modern tools and platforms difficult. Additionally, legacy code may lack documentation and be challenging to understand, leading to longer development cycles and increased risk of errors.

  9. Security Issues – As cyberattacks grow more frequent and complex, prioritizing software security is crucial. Poorly designed development frameworks can leave organizations vulnerable, emphasizing the need for developers to focus on security from the start.

  10. Inadequate documentation – Insufficient code documentation significantly hampers developers’ troubleshooting and modification capabilities. It also restricts others’ comprehension, hindering future use and maintenance.

  11. Inadequate user testing – Inadequate testing in software development leads to critical issues like bugs, performance problems, and security vulnerabilities. Proper testing is essential for success. Understanding end-user needs is crucial, and microservices architectures facilitate comprehensive testing. Automated tests ensure swift and accurate regression testing.

  12. Limited resources – Developers face significant challenges when working with limited resources. Utilising available resources wisely and prioritizing tasks effectively are crucial to keep the project on track.

  13. Keeping good engineers retained – Retaining good engineers is crucial for expertise, innovation, and team stability, essential for long-term success. Their presence upholds reputation, attracts talent, and fortifies the company’s foundation.

Having an experience team who has had considerable experience in managing such complexities, goes a long way in ensuring that you minimise your dev expenditure, improve your speed to market, and ultimately increase your competitive advantage in your industry.

Most our development team have had over 10 years of professional development experience and are all very good at understanding such patterns.

Many people who endeavour to go out and build a tech platform, very quickly realise the real difficulties and complexities associated with developing a platform, especially when they don’t come from a technical background.

After being contacted enough times and asked to help navigate the challenging development landscape by people who knew of what we were doing, we decided to start offering this service in a more formalized capacity.

joi was born.

We help do good companies, do better:

and in turn, bring more joy and lightness to this world.

This is joi’s story: